Life, Beauty, Skin Care, Health, Wellness and Rejuvenation

Life, Beauty, Skin Care, Health, Wellness and Rejuvenation

This blog is for men and women of all ages who are in to beauty , skin care , health and wellness. For those who want to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. For those who love and enjoy life itself, may we feel satisfied and fulfilled by Christ's blessings from up above while enjoying the richness of life on this earth.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Just the beginning...

I should belong to the Amish community here in the States because I love to be in the olden times.

According to Mr. Wikepedia , Amish people generally has a heavy emphasis on church and family relationships. They have rules that include prohibitions or limitations on the use of power-line electricity, telephones and automobiles, as well as regulations on clothing.

What I like about the olden times is that women and men have definite roles that they play in the community, their church and their family. And like them ( with what I have heard ), they are not into technology. Imagine having no computer , no mobile phone , nothing of what modern people in our time enjoy... and get a headache of. No bills to pay for. Less stress. Nothing to think about except doing their roles and responsibilities for their church and family. Simple living. Rural area. That's what I like.

Albeit unlike them , I have a few modern gadgets on hand that I enjoy but didn't want to make a full use of as I do not want to get addicted nor do I want to spend too much time on any of them. I only have two gadgets that I think are very useful to me - my laptop and my cellphone (having purchased the former only last year because of the need).

Just doing household chores and running errands keep me busy not to mention my part-time work. So I would like to spend my free time just relaxing. Looking at the beautiful scenery ( not the screen of my laptop ) that we are surrounded with here in our marina environment and spending time with my patient hubby and my supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ( coined from Mary Poppins ) doggy . So why add something else that would take my time ?

When I went to see my friends and relatives back in my loving home country , the sunny and humid Philippines, people asked me if I have a facebook . I looked at them and jokingly said , " I have a face and lots of books , but I do not have a facebook". On several occasions , my sister kept on sharing and telling me about her blog which I never got to read except during the time she showed me how to do blogs . Another friend told me twice to have one. I'm like, "what's that?".

Another thing that I do not like about facebook and blogging is that one's private life becomes public . I am one of those private persons who only like to share with my small group of friends whom I can really trust. My family is also one of the rare species that I can truly divulge all my secrets to and will always remain a secret til death do we part. What remains a secret will always remain a secret within the family.

However, this year I have outgrown my fear of being known ( at least a little bit ) as there are things that I would like to share that I think people can learn from. I think this is one of the reasons why my friend , Kaye, was trying to do so she was convincing me to blog. Not to mention the fact that she can see what I have been doing and up to. ( Love you, girl! ). If I stay in my shell, nobody will ever learn from my experiences. So now that my fear isn't as bad as before , I will start blogging. Well, only the things that I think will be helpful to other people.

One of the things that I have learned in writing online is that I have the power to control what the public can see. Hey, I only learned that a couple of hours ago. It is all in my hands . I just have to make sure that I press the correct key. Can anyone please help me find the delete button here on blogger?

So why be on facebook and be a blogger? Because of my need to connect with people .

Some of my relatives and friends do not read their email but they are often into facebook , ano ba yan ? So finally, I decided to go on facebook after a lot of nudgings from relatives and friends only to find out that I have opened up an account that I haven't used . Because of my long absence , like some people do , I have forgotten my password . I could not retrieve nor can I change it through my 9th email address because I have forgotten its password too . Yes, I know what you are thinking. See, I told you, I am not into technology that's the reason why I should belong to the Amish community. I would rather spend time with real people and not the screen. But what can I do ? Being on my last resort , I decided to make another one - one more name on facebook. Taran! I finally got connected easily. Wow! the power of technology.

Before that , I went to to sign-up (thinking that I do not have an account) only to find out (again) that I have opened one long before my sister did who taught me about blogging . ( Thanks, sis. for going through it with me ) . But guess what? I think you guessed it right . I haven't written a thing . Why? I think I just opened up an account because people have asked me to do it but I am not really interested into it until now because I feel the need to connect .

To my friends and family who will be following my blog, this is for you . To my future readers and followers , please be patient with me as this is the first time that I am blogging . For the next few weeks ( or even months or years ) , I will be doing a lot of reminiscing . Blogging my experiences here and everywhere I find that may be relevant to those people who may learn from what I have to share or just want to see what I am up to . You can post your comments but please be nice even when you have something to critique . Otherwise , do not say or write anything at all.

Thank you!
Danke schon!